Sunday, August 07, 2011

At War With Pakistan

Officially, American and Pakistan are allies. But we know that Pakistan is hardly the ideal ally given its sympathy for and support of Islamist terrorists. This should not be shocking:

The American CIA, in order to carry out its orders, has been increasingly at war with its Pakistani equivalent, the ISI. After bin Laden was killed in May, it became known that the CIA was running an intelligence operation (to confirm the presence of bin Laden) without informing the ISI (who probably would have warned bin Laden). Since then, the ISI and the Pakistani government have been at war with the CIA in Pakistan. It’s an undeclared war. Meanwhile, the ISI denies that it is working with al Qaeda, despite a growing pile of evidence to the contrary. The Pakistanis don’t want to go public with this feud, at least not any more than they already are. But the ISI is more openly working against the CIA, while the CIA UAV campaign against Islamic terrorists in the tribal territories continues, despite Pakistani objections.

I mentioned this type of project to bypass an uncooperative Pakistan.

But what choice do we have?

Of course, the funny part of Pakistan playing both sides of the game is that they are angering America, India, China, and most of the jihadis, too. The Pakistanis make our State Department look good.

I'd laugh really hard except that if pushed to choose, I don't know that nuclear-armed Pakistan won't choose the jihadis.