Monday, October 18, 2010

So Let Me Get This Straight

While I believe Russia should end their pointless belief that the West is their enemy and move on to facing the Chinese threat developing, I don't get this Western eagerness to bring Russia into the West in order to face China:

The leaders of France, Germany, and Russia meet for dinner this evening in the French coastal town of Deauville in a German-led initiative that could start to anchor Russia more firmly in Europe.

Analysts say that Russia needs a solid partner at a time when it faces stiff competition in the east from a rising China. Also, the Deauville meeting comes ahead of a key Lisbon NATO meeting next month setting future policy in which Russia will not play a role.

Obviously, from Russia's point of view, gaining NATO as an ally would be great if they have to face China.

It is surely in NATO's interest to end Russia's paranoid hostility to the West. But is it in NATO's interest to go along with Russia's larger aim?

I mean, many Western Europeans objected to moving NATO east because it might lead to war with Russia over that expansion. While NATO did expand, Georgia and Ukraine were left hanging over that fear.

Yet it is a good idea to extend NATO to the Russian Far East where Russia might have to take on China over some border issue?

Man. I really lack the nuance gene, or something.