Friday, October 29, 2010

Homeland Defense at Work

In a time of war, when a sniper is on the loose in Washington, D.C., the government's suspicions immediately fall on a former Marine:

"We'd like to know what this grievance is and what we can do to try to help solve it," Perren said.

He said the suspect may be dealing with a traumatic event such as loss of a job, financial problems or divorce.

Perren said officials are working under the assumption that the individual was part of the Marine Corps.
That's quite the assumption. Another bitter clinger, apparently. I assume former Marines are also under suspicion for the air freight bomb scare today:

Authorities on three continents were investigating whether suspicious packages shipped from Yemen to Chicago religious sites were part of a terrorist plot.

No explosives have been found so far. Officials on Friday were probing whether the packages were sent as part of a dry run for an attack. Yemen is home to the al-Qaida branch that tried to bomb a U.S.-bound airliner on Christmas.

Who knows? Maybe the speculation is even true. That would be a first, but who knows?

UPDATE: Before 3:00 pm, news that two US F-15 fighters escorting a passenger jet into JFK Airport.