Monday, June 16, 2008

Jokers to the Right

While my primary venom is directed at our Left for their determination to lose the Iraq War, I've sometimes noted that our hard Right, too, opposes the war. But I don't usually address them since their calls are not amplified the same way by a sympathetic left-slanting mass media. The Right's anti-war voices don't carry very far. The Clowns on the Left are given credibility and publicity by our press.

But Pat Buchanan's ability to turn World War II into a bad war of choice reflects the strain on the Right that I detest as much as I do the Left, even though I recognize the Left must take priority given the weight our Left is given by our press.

What happened to Buchanan and his strain on the Right? They could once recognize evil when the Soviet Union existed. Without the Soviets to focus their ire, they seem to despise America and the West.