Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Getting What They Wished For

Critics of American foreign policy have often lamented over the last five years that we did not have a policy nuanced enough for France to support.

Well, now we do!

The French change of attitude destroys one of the key arguments of those in the United States who opposed the liberation of Iraq. The argument is that by toppling Saddam, the United States alienated its major allies, notably France. Sen. John Kerry, the Democratic presidential nominee in 2004, used the argument as a campaign theme, echoing the views of other leading figures of the American left such as Michael Moore, Jane Fonda and Noam Chomsky, not to mention the financier George Soros. The message coming from France is all the more discouraging for the American left because Kouchner, a lifelong Socialist, is the most popular figure of the French left, according to opinion polls.

With President Sarkozy sending his foreign minister Kouchner to Iraq to signal French support for our efforts in Iraq, will the Nuanced Americans finally applaud our foreign policy?

Welcome back, France.