Saturday, August 04, 2007

Dying By the Sword

In a fight against jihadi murderers who wield scimitars against helpless captives, it is perhaps fitting that soon jihadi scum will die at the hands of our SWORDS:

Robots have been roaming the streets of Iraq, since shortly after the war began. Now, for the first time -- the first time in any warzone -- the machines are carrying guns.

After years of development, three "special weapons observation remote reconnaissance direct action system" (SWORDS) robots have deployed to Iraq, armed with M249 machine guns. The 'bots "haven't fired their weapons yet," Michael Zecca, the SWORDS program manager, tells DANGER ROOM. "But that'll be happening soon."

Reducing our casualties by substituting technology for men placed in danger will continue the trend we are on. This will allow us to reduce our casualties and thus reduce our homefront weakness of casualty sensitivity, even as we continue to kill our enemies. Will our press report on the thousandth robot casualty and report everything from the front in terms of robot casualties first?

For our jihadi foes, this may perhaps add a great theological question for their most fanatical mullahs to ponder. If a jihadi dies at the hands of one of our robots, is he still a martyr and does he still get 72 virgins? Can a 7th century warrior philosophy accept that the equivalent of an industrial accident is a warrior's death?

For old time's sake and to keep our press interested, we should teach a couple robots at least to put panties on prisoners' heads. How will our reporters win Pulitzers without these kinds of stories?