Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Good God ...

I'm used to reading reports of North Korean cruelty and depravity but is this report by a refugee from North Korea possibly true?

Standing at the podium in a US congressional office building, 'Joseph' told a horrific story, of the proprietor of a popular restaurant in the North Korean town where he once lived.

"That person killed and canibalised 13 people," he said.

'Joseph' said restaurant owner preyed on young children who were forced to scavenge in the streets for food.

"They brought them in, gave them a bath and then they choked them to death," he said. "Then they cleaned them up and butchered them, and made them into a Korean delicacy and say 'this is made with pork.'"

The United States quietly granted refugee status to six North Koreans, the first to be admitted to the country under a 2004 US law, in May.

My God. You know, when I first read it my reaction was simply, "well, isn't that interesting." I mean, I'm so used to the absolute disgusting nature of the regime in Pyongyang that even cannibalism barely registered. I almost just clicked and moved on.

But then I recoiled from just passing off the charge of cannibalism of children as just another ho hum atrocity of the Kim regime. If this wasn't worthy of a post because it was just one more terrible thing of evil that the regime has done and continues to do, it would be a quiet weary surrender on my part to that evil.

If true, "evil" doesn't even begin to describe that regime. And tolerating such a hideous regime--let alone dancing with the thug Pillsbury Nuke Boy--should be beneath us.

Let the North Korean regime die. Don't save them with aid. Stability that preserves this Hell hole is just wrong.