Thursday, July 20, 2006

Glory Be

Taiwan ran through an anti-invasion exercises this month:

The "Chinese Glory" maneuvers were meant to test Taiwan's army, navy, air force and marines against the forces of its longtime rival mainland China, just 100 miles across the Taiwan Strait.

China and Taiwan split amid civil war in 1949, and Beijing remains committed to bringing the self-governing island back into its fold — possibly through the sort of beach-landing invasion that the exercises simulated.

So, the Taiwanese practiced holding the beaches. I imagine the PLA main effort--if it comes--will be through the ports, so this 1944-style practice is not terribly relevant to how I think China would invade Taiwan.

Still, practicing to hit ships at sea is useful regardless of where they are heading. Though I'd feel better if their best fighters, the F-16s, practiced aerial combat instead.

And at least Taiwan is working on making their reserves readily available. The claims they "made good progress" are more an indication of problems to work on than an indication the problems are solved.

Remember, exercises to deter the potential enemy are more theater than they are training.

I hope the same is true of Chinese invasion exercises. Because 2008 is only two years away.