Sunday, September 11, 2005

Four Years On

On this fourth anniversary of the 9-11 attacks, I am still angry. I am still determined to wage war until we kill the bastards who murdered nearly 3,000 of us and destroyed the World Trade Center.

I won't just get over it. Not while a jihadi mindset exists that can claim Hurricane Katrina was divine retribution for our so-called sins. Not while our enemies still plot to kill us. Not while murdering children is viewed as God approved because the kids are just Christians, or merely Shia.

I can't believe that some question whether we are even at war. I can't believe that some would want to end our offensive to kill the enemy overseas and simply hunker down in our airports and shopping malls, scanning the crowds to prevent the enemy from reaching us here at home.

One day the Moslem world will view these murdering thugs with such total disgust that no Moslem will tolerate their presence. We are making progress, but that time is not yet here.

So for now we have little choice but to go after our terrorist enemies. Hunt them down. Capture and question them. And above all, kill them wherever we find them.

And we have no choice but to destroy the regimes that support our terrorist enemies.

And we'd be fools to allow regimes to exist that would build and proliferate nuclear weapons that our terrorist enemies view as a Hammer from Allah to kill us in the millions.

We have a lot more to do before we can rest.

UPDATE: Mark Steyn (via Real Clear Politics) addresses the war we are in quite well and concludes:

So four years on we're winning in the Middle East and Central Asia, floundering in Europe and North America. War is hell, but a war that half the country refuses to recognize as such staggers on as a very contemporary kind of purgatory.

It is indeed odd. We win overseas where we battle the enemy in Moslem lands--whether militarily or with diplomacy; yet large segments of Europe and North America don't think we are at war and in fact do their best to give in to our enemy's demands all in the name of "understanding" the jihadis.

UPDATE: Tears of sorrow and rage still come as easily as they did four years ago when those scum took Americans prisoner for a death ride into our buildings. Watching the towers come down again rekindles my anger at our enemy. Seeing people who chose to jump from the towers rather than burn makes me furious that some Americans can fail to see we are at war. Watching the movie about our first counter-attack on United Flight 93 inspires nothing but contempt for those of us who believe we should just get over this. For those who believe we should understand why they hate us. For those who rejoice in the so-called Minutemen who would kill us even tonight if they had the chance-if we give them the chance.

Explain to me again why I should give a fuck about whether jihadi prisoners in Gitmo are on a hunger strike. Let them die.

And kill as many jihadis as we can. The only good jihadi is a dead jihadi. And a jihadi left alive this year is just one more we have to kill next year.

This is war. They decided to wage it against us. We need to finish it with victory.

I don't feel guilty for feeling this anger. Not one Goddamn bit.