Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Send in the Arab Cannon Fodder

While you can't blame Biden's Afghanistan debacle for Iran's desire to kill Jews soon, you can't say that the image of our eagerness to embrace defeat is deterring Iran. But how does Israel fight that war?


Iran is openly calling for its foreign minions in Lebanon, Gaza and Syria to unite in a joint massive attack on Israel. Iranian hardliners believe their allies are getting weaker and that Israel will never be this vulnerable to attack. Some of the hardliners also understand that the religious dictatorship is in danger of being overthrown. The IRGC faction needs a win. The decision to pull the trigger has not been made yet because even in the IRGC and Quds Force there is disagreement about just how effective and reliable Iranian allies are. Many of those foreign supporters believe Iran will order an attack and then not participate themselves. This is a common and often used Iranian tactic. 

If Iran pulls the trigger on this grand offensive, will Israel invade Lebanon, exploiting Lebanese anger directed at Hezbollah?

Or might Israel strike Iran's nuclear facilities or maybe oil export facilities on Kharg Island in response?

Would Biden really try to rein in Israel with threats so soon after abandoning our Afghan allies and bolstering the view of America as an unreliable ally?