Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Let a Thousand Excuses Fly!

Biden ordered our embassy in Kabul evacuated. We have no idea how to get Americans out of the Taliban-controlled country. And he is making excuses for failing to withdraw from Afghanistan without defeat following us closely.

Oh really?

'When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor—which he invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019—that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001.

'Shortly before he left office, he also drew US forces down to a bare minimum of 2,500.

'When I became President, I faced a choice—follow through on the deal, with a brief extension to get our forces and our allies’ forces out safely, or ramp up our presence and send more American troops to fight once again in another country’s civil conflict. 

'I was the fourth President to preside over an American troop presence in Afghanistan—two Republicans, two Democrats. I would not, and will not, pass this war onto a fifth.'

The serial excuses Biden rolls out are sad.

One, since when is Biden unwilling to reverse a Trump policy? This one was sacred?

Two, if it was a bare minimum military presence, doesn't this say it was enough to hold on? Why not carry on with that to see how it works? See how we can do better with that?

Three, the choice was not withdraw or escalate. Carrying on was an option. An option that--while in need of adjusting--was at least holding the Taliban at bay and inflicting casualties on them. While keeping other jihadis from setting up sanctuaries in Afghanistan.

Four, perhaps Biden doesn't hand off this "war"--which hasn't had an American combat casualty in a year and a half--to the next president. But Biden may hand off a new war that is much more bloody and dangerous.

Hell, Biden may get that next war. 

America will discover the difference between not winning a war and losing a war.  

Hell, I'm worried that our troops holding the Kabul airport will have a Dien Bien Phu fate despite the laughable warnings we are giving the Taliban to respect our perimeter. We might just be experiencing a pause until the Taliban can bring up heavy weapons and anti-aircraft weapons to bombard the airport and interdict aircraft.

But I bet Biden and his media fluffers will have even more excuses ready. Which is the important thing lest "Republicans pounce."

The massive incompetence is stunning. Biden could ef up a wet dream.

UPDATE: America screwed up.

And we did it to ourselves

In the first two weeks of August, America's withdrawal from Afghanistan became a humiliating rout. Make no mistake, the U.S. has suffered a major diplomatic and psychological defeat that will have resonance throughout the world.

I really think a lot of Biden's people and supporters believe we deserve this. And too many on the right get to the same place with the grievously wrong belief that we are in a "forever war." 

UPDATE: Sadly true:

Americans fed up with protracted military engagements abroad, especially the unpopular Afghan war, will likely respond positively to Biden's message. But while the president's retreat from Afghanistan may not prove politically fatal at home, the decision could have disastrous consequences elsewhere, not only for the Afghan people but also for American international credibility and our national security—both at home and abroad.

There should be political consequences for those who screwed up this withdrawal (and in my opinion the decision to withdraw, including Trump's effort to get out regardless of whether you think he would not have screwed up the withdrawal, was wrong). But instead civilians and our troops will pay the price of coping with this debacle. 

I'll say it again because it bears repeating, that America will discover the difference between not winning a war and losing a war.  

UPDATE: And regarding my Dien Bien Phu II worries:

Today the Taliban is preventing refugees from gaining access to Kabul Airport, the last remaining thread between death and a chance at escape from the Taliban’s tender mercies.

The Wall Street Journal reported early on Wednesday that “entry remained extremely difficult” to the airport with “checkpoints on most access roads and no clear system to bring people in.”

What's next? Mortars and anti-aircraft guns? 

Maybe I'm mixed up in my history analogies. Maybe this is British troop reinforcements landing in Singapore and going right to the Japanese prison camps.

We think we've been humiliated by the Taliban victory over Afghanistan. Maybe our biggest humiliation is yet to come.