Saturday, August 10, 2019

Screw You Guys. I'm Out!

You know, the Left has honestly managed to turn the dial to 12 (tip to Instapundit). I scarcely imagined it was possible.

I already dialed back my consumption of television news to avoid the hatred. I know that the hatred is generated by a very small number of people and amplified by the media. And I've greatly reduced my Weekend Data Dump links to things that really just piss me off because of the unfairness of it all.

I remain stunned at the Left's hatred and efforts to sow division that are based on false charges of racism and division leveled at their political foes. It's all Hitler and all racism, all the time. The Left knows so little history that they really seem to believe that Hitler was a German who wanted to reduce the rate of growth in the food stamp program in 1935.

I'm exhausted. With the idiocy. The ignorance. The hate. And the unfairness. And it is 15 months before the election.

Good God, people, we've already heard August 8th dog whistle bullshit. FFS, pull your head out of your 18.

The left-wing media amplifies the charges because they agree with the charges; and the right-wing media amplifies the charges to get a good round of outraged "how dare they?" going.

To some extent that outrage is justified by the unfairness of the charges.

Still. By watching either angle it is too easy to draw the conclusion that all liberals are as hateful as the visible Left. And I know that is not true. Twitter is tiny and the percent of a-holes on Twitter who post all out of proportion to their percentage of that tiny percentage do not define American liberals.

So I've decided to really scale back my television news viewing to the bare minimum of an hour per day maximum (Fox News weekdays from 6-7 if you are curious--and I'll keep the Greg Gutfeld show for the weekend). I'm tired of the insanity.

I'm out!

Maybe if more people tune out, the business models will fail and as a last resort they'll all just try to report on the news. I have to believe the demand for that in America is more than a niche market.

UPDATE: Away from social media which I already skip, and now the media, the country is more civil:

Seeing these real human interactions should be a reminder that when you turn on cable news and watch the panels of pundits, candidates and experts explaining how their side is better and the other side is the devil, you are watching "experts" who rarely ever observe people outside of social media.

Hate is certainly being incited.