Sunday, August 04, 2019

I'm With Military Intelligence on This Dispute

Jihadis want to kill us. Period. All else should follow logically from that baseline fact rather than thinking we can figure out the dividing line between jihadis who will kill us and jihadis who will just kill their local neighbors.

What fresh Hell is this?

American military commanders in Afghanistan have described the Islamic State affiliate there as a growing problem that is capable of inspiring and directing attacks in Western countries, including the United States.

But intelligence officials in Washington disagree, arguing the group is mostly incapable of exporting terrorism worldwide. The officials believe that the Islamic State in Afghanistan, known as Islamic State Khorasan, remains a regional problem and is more of a threat to the Taliban than to the West. [emphasis added]

So, if we leave Afghanistan ISIL won't grow in strength and eventually strike us with their new sanctuary?

As I understand it, the "peace" process is aimed at peeling the Taliban away from jihadis by getting the Taliban to stiff-arm the foreign jihadis. And then we can go home:

“U.S. troops in Afghanistan have prevented another catastrophic attack on our homeland for 18 years,” [retired Army] General Keane said in an interview. “Expecting the Taliban to provide that guarantee in the future by withdrawing all U.S. troops makes no sense.”

And nothing will go wrong in that oddly simple formula that our State Department is pushing?

Have we forgotten how the Taliban government of Afghanistan took our money in the late 1990s and yet still hosted al Qaeda which attacked us on September 11, 2001?

It is insane to believe that we can take the promise of the Taliban to essentially fight our war on jihadi terrorists for us as the price of getting American forces out of Afghanistan.