The NFL kneeling protests fell flat. Is this a sign that Americans are judging by the content of character and not the color of skin? It is a fact that past legal discrimination was ended and societal discrimination is vastly reduced. Past protests met with government dogs and fire hoses aroused sympathy and horror. Protests by multi-millionaires doesn't move the sympathy dial. America has come a long since slavery and then segregation laws, to make great strides toward reaching the ideals of freedom and equality that our flag represents. We can be as proud of that correction as we should be ashamed of where we started from (although with the knowledge that our past reflected norms and was not uniquely American, as too many wrongly think). Hell, knowing what African Americans once endured is why I've treated older African-American men in casual encounters with added respect, always addressing them as "sir" (all women get the respect as a matter of my "sexist" upbringing) as my personal way of recognizing that past. Anyway, if that author is right about why the NFL protests largely failed, we've truly made progress despite the loud cries about micro-aggressions that annoy me to no end.
Nigeria's problems aren't limited to Boko Haram.
Increasingly, simply disagreeing with liberals is defined as being a white supremacist. Tip to Instapundit.
No, I am not persuaded that just because some white supremacists support Trump that Trump is a white supremacist or that people who support Trump are white supremacists. Some people think that observation is so clever that there is no denying the implication of guilt. But during the Iraq War, communists of various stripes were very active in opposing the war and in organizing protests that attracted a lot of people. Are you telling me that it is valid to say all those opposed to the war and who took part in a protest wanted our defeat, were eager for dead American troops, and hoped to ride the protest to a communist revolution to overthrow our democratic and capitalist system? Or did they have different reasons than hard core communists for protesting?
When politicians value the money of distant financial backers over local voters. If so much power wasn't in Washington, D.C., money wouldn't be attracted to every race that determined who held power in WDC.
The Puerto Rico "public" utility hoarded material that could speed rebuilding the island's power grid. Federal authorities sent armed personnel to take the material and distribute it. One wonders of the island utility valued a Democratic attack ad aimed at Trump in the future more than they valued the public that relies on them for electricity.
I hear a couple Republican senators deny Trump made the "shithole" comment. Trump denies that he said it as reported. The problem is that Democrats are fully capable of lying about the incident to damage Trump and it is hardly out of character for the president to have said something like that. But if the president said that, and the concern is about the effect on African countries and Haiti, why did a Democrat run to CNN and why did CNN loudly broadcast it 24/7?
Brazil's credit rating was downgraded to "junk" status. Sure, the cruel observation that Brazil is the country of the future--and always will be--is likely fairly true. But economic failure of such a large country would be really bad.
What the Hell is wrong with people? Why would this woman make such a destructive claim and deface herself adding credibility to the false charge? I've noted a number of such hoaxes from the left before. No word if this was politically motivated, but the effect is political even if it is her own demons. Bonus revulsion for her name. No relation.
Lovely little industry you have there. It would be a shame if something awful was to happen to it. How is this New York State suit against the oil industry not a state-sponsored mafia shakedown of a lawful (and needed until unicorn poop is full exploited as a fuel) industry?
Russia invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea in violation of 3 agreements (and the UN Charter that rule out such aggression), but Russia considers occasional American warships lawfully sailing in the Black Sea near Crimea an aggressive stance. #WhyRussiaCan'tHaveNiceThings
There has been unrest in Ivory Coast as rival military units clash. If America needed to rescue our embassy there or otherwise protect American citizens, the response forces in Spain and Italy, Djibouti, and afloat in CENTCOM waters are fare away. This is one kind of scenario I viewed The AFRICOM Queen as being valuable for. The actual clashes are inland so air assets would likely need to stage ashore closer to coast first, but sea-based rescuers would be useful.
Do liberals not see that many in their ranks unhinged over Trump are descending into the madness of the conservatives who went on about Obama being born in Kenya or that he was a secret Moslem?
Russia's economy is not recovering from the uncertainty caused by the war with Ukraine and Western sanctions on top of low energy prices. #WhyRussiaCan'tHaveNiceThings
Just as some Democrats in the aftermath of the #MeToo sexual harassment/assault "Pervnado" revelations are now saying that Bill Clinton really was guilty as conservatives charged; in twenty years after all those emails are finally released, Democrats will probably admit that Hillary Clinton really did risk American national security with her private email server.
North Korea may plan to defeat America with an emphasis on infiltration, but don't act like this is a revolutionary new concept. It isn't. Firepower, steady troops that hold in depth, and reserves will defeat this effort. I honestly doubt the North Korean army develops the lower level initiative that this type of warfare demands. And with all the sensors and night vision gear we and our South Korean allies have combined with the physically weak from malnutrition North Korean troops that would have to trek through the mountains to infiltrate, I wouldn't bet on North Korean success.
Money for nothing and the check's your fee.
And I'll say it again. I'll not defend Trump as a person; and he was literally the last candidate I wanted to win the Republican primary. He has a long history of being a liberal who supported Democrats. But once he won and his opponent was Hillary Clinton, you are darn right I preferred the clown over the corrupt. Nor was I worried Trump was a Russian/Klan/Nazi/Confederate/Insertevilassociationhere candidate who we had to fear. Staffing with Republicans would restrain the president within our limits if he had any odd ideas. And we have that rule of law and Constitution thing. I knew he wouldn't pull out of NATO, for example, despite the sudden liberal concern for the alliance. And he has been within American policy parameters, including holding positions that until very recently were standard Democratic positions, too (border security for example). So far his policies as opposed to the circus around him personally have been perfectly fine. My biggest worry is that the failure of Republicans to provide legislation for him to sign will eventually lead Trump to work with Democrats (although Senator Durbin might have wrecked that path with his "shithole" tattle) for policies that are perfectly consistent with Trump's New York Democrat past. And I'll say again that as someone who grew up in Deplorableville (Detroit), Trump's supporters had every reason to react to the failure of conventional politicians more interested in courting support with the Davos crowd by rolling the dice with a performer like Trump who actually recognized their plight. And so far can you honestly say they made a mistake?
The Saudi effort is finally tipping the war against the Houthi rebels of Yemen. Despite talk of futile stalemate, my view has been that Saudi intervention stemmed the Houthi tide in the south and that the effort was slowly winning in the northwest as the Houthi coalition starts to fragment. Of course, my view is that any victory is fleeting in the clusterfuck that is Yemen. Any deal that ends the fighting is subject to revision at any point as the player cards are shuffled and re-dealt for another round of fighting with new enemies and allies.
Transitioning from a traitorous soldier to a senator isn't that big a deal.
The media is puzzled that conservatives don't trust them. Would you be puzzled if a color blind art critic never mentioned the color green? It isn't just that the media tilts to the left when they report about a story. They also don't know how to ask questions that don't occur to them rather than just being partisan; and they don't cover some stories just because it would make Democrats look bad but also because they truly don't consider many events to be stories worthy of coverage.
Somalia remains a clusterfuck. Across the Red Sea from Yemen, perhaps it is a regional problem.
What is and what is not a significant tax cut according to Representative Pelosi. Actual crumbs. Alert Sean Penn. Are they still the model for our Left? Tips to Instapundit.
The Trump administration is using the term "Indo-Pacific" more than "Asia-Pacific" and this is supposed to mean that India is being thought of in the region as a player and potential ally. I always considered "Asia-Pacific" as encompassing India because if we were only thinking points east with that term we could have just said "western Pacific." But if it takes a terminology change, that's cool.
Georgia is muting anger at Russia despite the 2008 war. That doesn't mean Georgia is falling into Russia's orbit. It is still moving closer to the West. And it is what I wanted after the Russo-Georgian War of 2008. I figured that the best revenge for Georgia's loss of Abkhazia and South Ossetia that the war cemented was to prosper and make the residents of those regions resent Russian control. And lack of active border disputes is required for NATO membership.
Obviously, feminists will celebrate this fact. If they don't it is because as I've long said, feminists are merely the women's auxiliary of the Democratic Party.
You know, President Obama was always my president even though I didn't vote for him. I accepted that the country elected him and as an American, by definition he was my president, even if I think he was a poor president. He was the first administration that I fully blogged under, and you won't find any rejection of his authority or status here. But because of the state of the opposition these days, I will repeat what I've said from the beginning--it is good that our country proved it would elect an African American as president. Whatever else, that was a positive event.
You don't need to hack into a computer system if you are invited in. Heads should roll.
The intense media questioning of Trump's doctor over the smallest aspect of Trump's health is in stark contrast to the media's disinterest in Hillary Clinton's health during the 2016 campaign. The media asks about Trump's ice cream habits yet figured Hillary collapsing in public and being rushed to Chelsea's apartment which apparently has medical facilities superior to the closest hospital emergency room isn't even news. (Bonus film compilation of the contrast made after I wrote this!)
It truly makes me sad that some African Americans can think that America has a racist policy under Trump. I don't think this is true at all. And it pains me that Africans abroad might think the same thing. But remember that those people who worry this is true got that impression from listening to American leftists both on and out of CNN, MSNBC, and the big three networks who repeat that baseless accusation 24/7 since Trump won the Republican primary. People are experiencing unnecessary worry to serve the political objective of weakening Trump. I find that despicable.
I did not even notice the meteor that passed over Michigan Tuesday night. Although my son texted me to ask if I heard the noise. I didn't notice the flash and if I heard the bang I ignored and quickly forgot it.
I totally disagree that walking away from Pakistan and Afghanistan will give America leverage over both. We tried that in Afghanistan after helping drive the Soviets from the country and got an al Qaeda sanctuary and 9/11 for our troubles. And Pakistan is an Islamist nuclear-armed state made only less worse by ties to America. In what way will Pakistan not become a Sunni version of Iran if America walks away? As I've long written, if Iran acted more like Pakistan we'd call our Iran policy a roaring success.
A tour of Afghanistan by Strategypage.
On the bright side, if just one liberal tech billionaire buys a single ticket (for $10.6 billion) the (first phase of the) project pays for itself!
A Republican senator delivered a speech comparing Trump to Stalin. Although even he only argues that other than the mass murder, horrifying repression, and gulags that they are very similar. Liberals nod in agreement and applaud. I'm also applauding. Finally liberals admit that the Communist Stalin was evil. Sometimes people really do have the brain power of mossy rocks. I couldn't even be mad at Flake given how hard I laughed during his humorously earnest speech. Flake is now CNN's favorite Republican who has "grown" in office to earn sainthood consideration. Nothing is over until Flake decides it's over! This is how you got Trump, people. Apparently you want more. Thank God we got that really futile and stupid gesture.
For extra humor value, note that Senator Flake called Trump equivalent to Stalin because Trump calls the media the enemy of the people. Given Flake's charge against the president, it is odd Flake doesn't seem to understand the concept of hyperbole.
Under modern American feminist thinking, a man is supposed to conclude that a woman who voluntarily performed oral sex on that man and who allowed him to perform oral sex on her has absolutely no interest in intercourse and should get the non-verbal cues she just isn't interested. Just ... wow.
If secessionists in California get tired of mere "states' rights" nullification of federal laws and go full secession, they'll find that a lot of Californians won't go along with leaving America (that's how we got West Virginia). I'm on record as not wanting California to secede. It would be a leftist temper tantrum bad for America and bad for California. And if liberals are to be believed, isn't taking Trump's entire margin of popular vote defeat out of the country just a path to ensuring a second Trump term? Also, I don't expect California to secede.
Have a ball. It's your state. Do what you want. Spend your money on what you want. And then enjoy the consequences, of course. It's a package deal.
Just as Sweden is rebuilding their military because of Russia's renewed threat, their army might be too busy with internal security to be of much help. Bad luck that recent trend of internal disorder, eh?
Ukraine passed legislation envisioning the return of Russian-occupied Ukraine in the east. Good. As I've said from the beginning, I think Ukraine should bill Russia for "rent" on Russian-occupied Donbas and Crimea. That would reject Russian control, provide avenues to sue Russia, and also create credits that Ukraine can deduct for what it owes Russia for energy, for example.
I do find it amazing that there are those on the left who seem to actually worry Trump will start a nuclear war. I've slept like a baby on this issue. Trump hasn't caused the North Korean nuclear threat which has been slowly arriving for nearly 30 years now; and not Tweeting about the threat isn't the same thing as coping with the problem. Also, I remember the Cold War when the threat of a massive nuclear war was far more real. I didn't lie awake at night then, either, despite my awareness. So elevating North Korea to a level of near-panic and sleepless nights only now seems rather odd to me.
Fake news finally shown to be fake. I never worry too much about inefficiency in war-time development projects, seeing it as a weapon. I would no more complain about the costs of "wasting" money on bombing a target because you could have used a cheaper machine gun burst than I would complain about expensive development projects designed to help win the war with non-kinetic means. Corruption is a different issue, of course. But I primarily want results from development rather than efficiency for the sake of efficiency.
In basic training in 1988, one marching chant we had went "Russia, Russia, you better beware; the U.S. Army is coming there. We're going to take your tanks and melt them down; we're gonna sell them back to you for a dollar a pound." Pepsi basically did that.
America's head of PACOM called China a disruptive force in the Indo-Pacific region in regard to freedom of navigation. Pretty much. He called for cooperation among states that want to resist Chinese disruption.
Grant me this is funny. I assume it is about FISA re-authorization.
I basically don't recycle (turning in my deposit containers is the exception). I like to think I participate in the city single-stream refuse (actually you could pronounce that either way and be accurate) program, which was recently tested in Japan (foreshadowing). I made a wise choice for both my mental health and time management, as well as fiscal responsibility.Yes, I'm a conscientious objector to the draft that would compel my labor in the eco-war. I consider the recycling front to be a failed losing battle--dare I say quagmire?--whose objective is misguided if not wrong despite the quasi-religious fervor (really, click that link for the hilarious short video embedded and to get the Japan reference) that prompted it. Fleeing to Canada is no option since they are even worse. Sadly, dissent is not considered the highest form of environmentalism, even though my carbon footprint is probably way lower than a lot of the recycling fanatics who have the room in front of their large homes for as many recycling bins as cruelty can conceive.
Iran's ballistic missile technology progress.
Democrats and their media allies say a government shutdown is all Republicans' fault because they control Congress and the White House. But the fact is that Republicans need 60 votes in the Senate under their rules to control that body fully. The House is purely a Republican responsibility under their rules, but Democrats share the responsibility and blame in the Senate. Doesn't this give Republicans room to argue for a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate? This could be interesting given that unlike the Obama administration that exploited the shutdown to make things worse, Trump has incentive to cope with the shutdown with the fewest effects possible--or at least to choose the effects to make Democrats look worse.
An American warship sailed within 12 miles of Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea which China seized from the Philippines in 2012. This doesn't appear to be a freedom of navigation (FONOP) exercise based on the article (our spokesman said we've done them in the past and will in the future--yet didn't say this was one), but China complained anyway. UPDATE: I rarely update an item in data dumps, but the U.S. confirmed this was mere "innocent passage" that doesn't challenge sovereignty rather than a FONOP. And still China bitterly complained.
This is about right. Yeah, while distressed by Trump's personality, I'm pleased he is governing as conservative as he is; and think if not for liberals/the media turning the opposition dial to 11 he might have governed more like his liberal past. It is refreshing to see the routine description of any Republican as Hitler thrown back at liberals with so much contempt for their opinions. And I have not tired of him not being Hillary.
It is good that the Iraqi prime minister is talking to Iraqi Kurds. Let's work this out, people. Iran smiles when you fight.
Nancy Pelosi calls the Republican funding proposal for the Children's Health Insurance Program a "shitbowl." I'm paraphrasing, of course. Outrage ensues on CNN over the coarse language.