Friday, September 01, 2017

Just Make the One-Armed Push-up the Standard

The Chinese military is concerned that higher percentages of potential recruits can't pass enlistment standards.

Grant me that this is funny:

The high rejection rate has triggered concerns that there are not enough youths in good physical condition to fill the ranks of the Chinese army.

A poor diet and frequent masturbation, leading to abnormally large testicular veins, are believed to be behind falling fitness levels, according to a report published in state-run military newspaper the People’s Liberation Army Daily.

What? Are Chinese recruits flipping over when they do a push-up?

I'm thinking that DARPA should have a project to put really high quality Asian porn (or whatever form appeals to young Chinese men) on the Internet and make it accessible through the Great Firewall of China.

Our geographic recruiting problem looks better by comparison.