Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Fail?

So I get a text just now from Memphis, Tennessee: "Happy mothers day auntie,and tell grandma for me."

Now I'm not on board with Mother's (and Father's) Day being turned into Christmas for a Parent Day with lavish presents.

But a text message? To two different mothers? One of whom you've tasked with doing more than you were willing to do? Come on!

Send a card. You'll have to write the correct address. Make a call. You'll know if you reach "auntie."

I'd be tempted to respond to let the texter know of their fail, but it is just as likely that this is some type of scam/spam ploy, really. I'm suspicious of a text that uses full words and only has a spacing and lack of an apostrophe as typing errors. What are the odds of that being genuine?

Which is rude. They took a shot and figured they had a 50-50 chance of getting a mother. I'll have to watch for June to see if the scammer tries an "uncle" text trolling for a response.

So there. Your PSA for the day.