Monday, May 12, 2014, Coordinate

Watching the Left sort out North Korea's latest antics should be fun to watch.

By definition, any opposition to President Obama's policies is racist, according to the loudest elements from the other side of the aisle.

But the same strain of thinking bestows any tinpot dictatorship that opposes America with that quality of "Third World authenticity" that makes their views superior to America's thinking.

Behold the dilemma for our Left when the irresistible force (the accusation of racism--with an assist by "war on women" sexism) meets the immovable object (the absolute moral superiority of any anti-American despotism):

After bombarding South Korea's female president with sexist invectives, North Korea's state news agency has fired off racist insults against President Barack Obama that U.S. officials condemn as "disgusting."

I may not be happy with our president. But he is our president. I won't quote the North Korean story.

Pity this isn't the 19th century. Our Navy would bombard a North Korean target as our response to the insult.

But we don't do that. We leave 19th century actions to the Russians and Chinese. Pity.

So my main hope is this at least strengthens our resolve to just let North Korea die, even as we are willing to sit across the table with them and discuss the weather and whatnot. After all, in the scheme of things, being "disgusting" is the least of North Korea's sins.

Yet we can still have fun watching our left-leaning brethren sort out the dilemma of whether the North Korean insults are correct and defensible because North Korea is an authentic Third World country justifiably angry with America; or whether North Korea's opposition to America is by definition racist while North Korea's opposition to South Korea is by definition a sexist war on women., coordinate:

I know, I know. The dog whistle terms the North Koreans used are difficult to interpret. But our Left has worked with less.

The Dignified Rant is not programmed to respond in that area. will have to figure this out on their own.

No doubt, they'll conclude that the animal reference to our president was just an honorable traditional North Korean nickname--but we're still evil.

UPDATE: Not that you have to go all the way to Pyongyang to find real a-holes:

A police commissioner in a predominantly white New Hampshire town says he won't apologize for calling President Barack Obama the N-word, and he sat with his arms crossed while angry residents at a meeting called for his resignation on Thursday.

I may not be happy about our president. But he is our president. His policies are fair game and opposing him over that is not racist. This kind of treatment is unacceptable, and our president does not deserve that kind of disrespect and hostility. His daughters shouldn't have to hear their father spoken about is such a hateful fashion. That really breaks my heart.