Sunday, May 18, 2014

Nationalism is a Blunt Tool to Wield

Vietnamese riots that aim to target Chinese workers and factories (and their "aim" is not always accurate) in anger over that Chinese oil drilling rig within Vietnam's EEZ has led China to send ships to help evacuate their people.

Nationalism can propel events if people aren't careful. China is sending ships (I assume civilian ships) to rescue their people:

China on Sunday dispatched five ships to Vietnam to speed up the evacuation of its citizens following deadly anti-Chinese riots over Beijing's deployment of an oil rig in waters claimed by both countries.

The Vietnamese government wants the riots over lest Vietnam's failure to confront China lead the rioters to aim their nationalist anger at the government rather than at China:

Vietnam's ruling Communist Party worries that nationalist and dissident groups, which are also demanding basic democratic reforms, might challenge its grip on power.

China faces a similar problem with their own people, who China whips into xenophobic nationalistic anger when they want to pressure a foreign country.

That's a dangerous game that both sides are playing.

Still, no word if Hanoi is blaming the anti-China riots on some crappy Internet video putting Mao in a critical light.