Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Nobody Expects the Warmish Inquisition!

Are these guys on double-secret probation (tip to Instapundit, who has other links)?

Interesting "request." Is it just me, or is speaking truth to power not as progressive as it once was? Climategate appears to be getting more ominous than just scientists behaving badly.

Very odd. Given how the climate scientists can't seem to find their data and like to evade FOIA requests, I'm glad someone is being told to preserve evidence.

UPDATE: Bottom line:

To review: The UK police and the US DOJ, Criminal Division, are pursuing a leaker of public records subject to one or more FOIA, records that were unlawfully withheld under those laws, which leaks indicate apparent civil violations (tortious interference by seeking dismissal of certain “skeptics”), and raising reasonable questions of fraud against taxpayers.

And they are pursuing the leaker.

The crime is settled.