Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It Just Gets Worse

When I heard our advanced drone was in Iranian hands, I figured that we needed to bomb the craft to keep the Iranians from exploiting it.

So I was in a bit of despair when I read President Obama declined that option.

But wait, it got worse:

"We've asked for it back," President Obama said of the spy plane, according to an Agence-France Press report. "We'll see how the Iranians respond."

Well, our president didn't say "please" so I think I know the answer.

Perhaps if our president bows deeply enough, it will impress the Iranians with his sincerity.

If the Iranians think we have any spine at all to resist them, our President brushed aside such a silly notion.

This is going to work out just swell.

UPDATE: No fear. Iran says the drone is now their property:

Also, state-run media quote Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast as saying the surveillance aircraft is a security violation and the U.S. should apologize for the incident.

I assume Iran will get no apology. It's safe for me to assume that, right?

UPDATE: This is working out swell:

"Obama begs Iran to give him back his toy plane," proclaimed a headline from Iran's Fars News Agency Tuesday.

No fear. Just contempt.