Tuesday, December 20, 2011

No Change

I haven't paid much attention to the flap over detention authority in the most recent NDAA (national defense authorization act). It seems mostly the left is going ballistic.

So, as much for my future reference as yours in case I need it, here is an analysis of the issue (tip to Instapundit).

The authority existed already. So if you hated it before under Bush there is no reason to hate it now. Although I'd want to know why you hated so many other Bush terrorism policies that you said constituted "shredding" the Constitution but only bring up this detention provision. You have every right to be inconsistent, naturally.

And if you were fine with it before, there is no reason to hate it now. Even if Obama has the authority.

Indeed, according to the article, the NDAA at least codifies some of the authority, making it less likely to be interpreted in a way that civil libertarians would likely find objectionable.

I'm not giving it much thought. Not from the lack of importance mind you. Just based on what interests me--or not.