Wednesday, June 02, 2010

A Stunning Defeat for Obama?

This news from Japan is just stunning:

Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama resigned Wednesday to improve his party's chances in an election next month, after his popularity plunged over his broken campaign promise to move a U.S. Marine base.

I mean, Hatoyama agreed to Obama's air base--not one for the hated and alienating Bush 43! Who could blame the Japanese for reacting this way to Bush? But to Obama? Haven't the Japanese heard the news that we're in a new age? Haven't the very waters receded where they are to signal the new Hopey Era? did they not see the Greek columns of the Obmacropolis at his acceptance speech in 2008?

Where's that repairing of our "tattered" foreign relations we were promised? I seriously want my hope and change!

Of course, this isn't President Obama's fault. Not a bit.

But my point is that the press would have portrayed such a decision in 2008 as proof that Bush was screwing up all our alliances. You know that's true. Victor Hanson has more on this press corps tendency. They're all baking cookies and largely standing by their man no matter how much the president stiffs the media for actual news and transparency.