Sunday, May 02, 2010

Target: NYC

The pros took a run at New York City, and now amateurs took a shot:

Police found an "amateurish" but potentially powerful bomb that apparently began to detonate but did not explode in a smoking sport utility vehicle in Times Square, authorities said Sunday.

Thousands of tourists were cleared from the streets for 10 hours after a T-shirt vendor alerted police to the suspicious vehicle, which contained three propane tanks, fireworks, two filled 5-gallon gasoline containers, and two clocks with batteries, electrical wire and other components, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said.

Thankfully the detonation device was not good enough. I imagine we'll get plenty of clues from the vehicle and device to track down the guilty. I wonder if the attackers were already on the radar screens of authorities?

UPDATE: Fancy this (tip to The Corner):

The location is also adjacent to the Viacom building, fuelling speculation that it might be linked to the company's controversial South Park cartoon which recently depicted Prophet Muhammad in a bear suit.

While it could be a coincidence, that probably isn't the way to bet.

In the future, perhaps our brave artists in the speaking-truth-to-power community will remember that they can stand up to Islamofascists and be under threat of attack; or they can submit to Islamofascist threats, back down, and still be under threat of attack.

UPDATE: It should be noted that "amateurism" is the charge only until they succeed in killing a bunch of us--then they look lethal. Take this threat seriously even though it failed. It got a long way to succeeding despite our defenses and the next time the detonator will be better (which can be said for the Pantybomber attack, too).