Saturday, May 15, 2010

Blogger Limbo

I have a number of posts in draft stage--some quite old. Some I started and lost interest in finishing. Some got stale so I let them die. Some got complicated and long, and I don't want to spend the time to rewrite and give it structure and focus. I'm a blogger here, not a writer.

But I suspect that some were meant to be posted. Many seem pretty fully developed (for a blog post). So why didn't I publish them?

Then I started to notice recently that setting a future posting time doesn't always hold. Sometimes I set something to post later in the day or the next day (I don't really blog at 4:00 AM), but it reverts to "draft" status. I've re-edited lots of posts from "draft" to "publish" only to see another post then revert to draft. What gives?

This might explain why I sometimes can't find a post I thought for sure I wrote in order to link to it. I really should go through all the drafts and kill those too far gone to develop and see if any completed posts in draft are still relevant and of interest to readers.