Monday, September 07, 2009

Lanzado Bajo el Autobús

National Review is rightly outraged at our treatment of the Hondurans who have defended their constitution from Zelaya and his Axis of El Vil allies, as well as from the sainted international community and our State Department:

Let’s see if we understand this: In order to be considered “legitimate,” the Honduran elections must be overseen by a Hugo Chávez disciple who was ousted from the presidency for (as Honduran supreme court chairman José Tomás Arita wrote in the arrest order) “acting against the established form of government, treason against the country, abuse of authority, and usurpation of power.” The Obama administration has effectively turned Zelaya into a symbol of democracy. He is exactly the opposite. ...

As for the Obama administration, its mistreatment of the interim Honduran government is an ongoing travesty. In removing Zelaya from office, Honduran officials took a legal, constitutionally authorized stand against Chávez-style authoritarianism. They deserve praise, not punishment.

As I've written from day one, our behavior is both incomprehensible and shameful.

The Honduran democrats will need to win this one on their own. We've thrown them under the bus for the crime of not being anti-American leftist nutcases.