Friday, September 11, 2009

Green Light?

Did President Obama give what was perceived by the rulers in Tehran as a green light to butcher election protesters (Tip to Weekly Standard)?

One Iranian political figure has told a Western intermediary that the Obama administration may have unwittingly encouraged the regime's power grab by sending two letters to Khamenei before the June election. The first, delivered through Iran's mission to the United Nations, was a general invitation to dialogue. Khamenei is said to have taken a month to answer, and then only in vague terms. A second Obama administration letter reiterated U.S. interest in engagement. According to the Iranian political figure, this may have emboldened Khamenei and Ahmadinejad to think they had a free hand on June 12.

It's just speculation, but as our president has lectured, words have meaning. What meaning did the Iranians read into our president's words?