Saturday, September 06, 2008

A Strong Signal

Our Navy ship has unloaded relief supplies in Poti, under the gaze of intruding Russian forces.

Everybody knows the supplies aren't the point. As welcome as the supplies are for the Georgians who surely need them to start the recovery from the devastation that Russia inflicted, the whole point is political:

Georgia's economic development minister, Ekaterina Sharashidze, said the presence of the U.S. ship in Poti sent "a strong signal to Russia and the world that Georgia is a sovereign country and nobody else has the right to be here."

Capt. John Moore, the commander of the task force that has brought some 450 tons of aid to Georgia on three naval ships and numerous U.S. planes, said a Russian warship had shadowed the Mount Whitney since it entered the Black Sea earlier this week.

The Russians cluelessly charge weapons are being shipped in:

"Unfortunately, the situation is like this ... the rearming of the Georgian regime, including under the flag of humanitarian aid, is continuing," Medvedev told a meeting of regional governors Saturday.

Weaponry in significant quantities would be far more than 450 tons. Medvedev is just beclowning himself to make such claims now. He's either an idiot or thinks his audience is composed of idiots. He spoke to Russian governors, so either explanation is possible.

Rest assured, oh Hand Puppet Medvedev, when we rearm Georgia, you'll know--Putin will tell you.