Friday, September 05, 2008

Go West, Young Republic

Vice President Cheney expressed our support for Ukraine in the face of Russian hostility and newly displayed military power:

Cheney says in remarks Friday that Ukrainians should be able to live "without the threat of tyranny, economic blackmail and military invasion or intimidation." He says the United States has a "deep and abiding interest" in Ukraine's security.

Cheney spoke after meeting with President Viktor Yushchenko. Cheney's visit to Ukraine and two other ex-Soviet republics signaled that the United States will continue cultivating close ties in the region.

Although Russia has demonstrated a willingness to use its relatively feeble conventional military power, don't be confused that Russia has regained their global stature. They have not.

Our support should be enough to bolster the Ukraine against Russian pressure. We don't need a full court press of containment against Putin's Russia, but we do need to bolster friends when the Russians target them.

Cold War Lite, it is, it seems.