Tuesday, April 15, 2008

We Effed Up. We Trusted Him

We once elected this man as our president:

At a reception in the West Bank town of Ramallah organized by Carter's office, the former president hugged Nasser Shaer, a senior Hamas politician, meeting participants said. Embraces between men are a common custom in Arab culture.

I'd say that customary embrace between two men is at least one man short.

One could weep in frustration at President Carter's actions. When I wonder how low he can stoop, he lowers the bar again.

And I cannot trust the judgment of anyone who admires that man.

UPDATE: Carter lowered the bar:

Speaking at the American University in Cairo after talks with Hamas leaders from Gaza, Carter said Palestinians in Gaza were being "starved to death," receiving fewer calories a day than people in the poorest parts of Africa.

"It's an atrocity what is being perpetrated as punishment on the people in Gaza. it's a crime... I think it is an abomination that this continues to go on," Carter said.

The Israelis are supposed to just accept the near-daily rocket attacks on their towns and cities without responding. Carter doesn't mention that the "starving" Palestinians don't seem too hungry to terrorize Israelis.

But rocketin' Jews is just good ol' boys having fun. Not like those crimes the Jews commit of refusing to feed and light the people trying to kill them.

This man was once our president.