Friday, April 04, 2008

Now, Blood for Oil!

I have nothing but contempt for our House Speaker.

Once, the cry of the anti-war side was "no blood for oil."

Now, the cry is radically different (tip to Instapundit):

“Our troops in Iraq are paying about $3.25 a gallon for gas in Iraq, comparable to what we pay here, while the Iraqis are paying $1.36 a gallon,” Pelosi said. “This is a raw deal for the American taxpayer.”

The complaint is that we don't qualify for Iraq's social program of subsidized gasoline for Iraqis.

Cheap oil is our birthright, apparently.

The anti-war side will fling any charge no matter how silly in an effort to lose the war.

It's almost as if they're just being dishonest rather than trying to debate the war.