Hollywood Leftists simply do not need to smuggle the latest Alec Baldwin newsletter in body cavities to read the truth. They may do that anyway, but perhaps they just enjoy it.
But I digress.
I've always suspected that the Left accuses their political foes of wanting to destroy the Constitituion because they themselves would do it in a heart beat if it meant they could implement their progressive ends.
So this is an interesting opening to an article:
I'm thinking of an American president who demonized ethnic groups as enemies of the state, censored the press, imprisoned dissidents, bullied political opponents, spewed propaganda, often expressed contempt for the Constitution, approved warrantless searches and eavesdropping, and pursued his policies with a blind, religious certainty.
Oh, and I'm not thinking of George W. Bush, but another "W" – actually "WW": Woodrow Wilson, the Democrat who served from 1913 to 1921.
I had a similar piece a couple years ago, starting this way:
This border issue is really just a distraction away from the real crimes that have taken place on the border.
The latest on the plan to send the Guard to the Mexican border reminds me that we really should look into impeaching the president for failing to nail a terrorist thug who attacked us on our own soil. Despite years of effort, the terrorists got away with killing Americans. And in the end we stopped looking for him in order to go off on some crusade to impose democracy on people with no history of anything but violence and autocracy in a pure war of choice.
Of course, the thug was Pancho Villa and the war was World War I. Despite our invasion of Mexico, we never got Villa.
Thank goodness that Warren Harding restored our strength at home and our respect abroad.
Remember, nobody ever expects the Progressive Inquisition. Which will be done for our benefit, of course. You really should worry about that more than bizarre Diebold conspiracies and Bush declarations of martial law.