Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Get Off My Lawn?

China's rising power is coinciding with rapid aging of their population:

China's rapidly aging population could wipe out the country's low-cost labor advantage within the next few decades and stifle economic growth, state media said Tuesday.

The China Daily, quoting a report by the China National Committee on Aging, said that sometime between 2030 and 2050, there will be only two workers for every retiree — down from the current ratio of six workers to one retiree.

Certainly, in a country as large as China, this will translate into many men of military age despite the dramatic change in the age pyramid.

But will an aging China not as prosperous as once thought be as eager for foreign adventures? Or will a larger economy and sheer size provide just the means for China to defend itself without having the will to attack neighbors to expand their power or territory?