Monday, May 07, 2007

Beneath Contempt

The enemy mocks our Congress:

In a new video posted today on the Internet, al Qaeda's number two man, Ayman al Zawahiri, mocks the bill passed by Congress setting a timetable for the pullout of U.S. troops in Iraq.

Of course, the extremist on the Left will insist that Zawahiri's "opposition" to the bill (in order to kill several hundred thousand of our troops in Iraq) proves that Congress isn't doing what the enemy wants.

The enemy pays close attention to what we are doing at home because they know that only we can lose our war in Iraq.

The really sad thing is, the enemy knows our Congress is so committed to our defeat that even mocking Congress for their cheese-eating surrender monkey tendencies (can't use that on France any more, and it is a shame to let such a good phrase go to waste) won't shame our Congress into showing some spine to win this war.

There really is a price to be paid for the vigorous "dissent" our Congress practices.