Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Conscientious Objectors

I've often wondered whether our Left would rally to fight the war against Islamist fascism even if the enemy struck the Berkeley Women's Studies Department.

It is always a rhetorical question, of course, since the enemy strikes at women and girls all the time without drawing a reaction. Indeed the very ideology of the Islamo-fascists requires the suppression of women to the point of denying them sunlight or education.

On the latter, read this and be horrified at the evil required to do this:

On April 28, US soldiers in Iraq discovered detonation wires across the street from the newly built Huda Girls' school in Tarmiya, north of Baghdad. They followed the wire to its source and discovered the school had been built as a deathtrap. The pious Muslims who constructed the school had filled propane tanks with explosives and buried them beneath the floor. They built artillery shells into the ceiling and the floor. To save the world for Allah, they decided to butcher little girls.

Because educated little girls might not grow up to be good, submissive, and ignorant Moslem women, the jihadis figure you might as well just kill them off now. The whores!

Imagine what would have happened if not for the diligence of our soldiers. Proud parents sending their little girls off to school. Little girls eager for classes. With education, what a bright future they might have!

But that hopeful future is a defeat for the jihadis. So the jihadis would slaughter the children and perhaps break the spirit of the parents who would come to (in vain?) search for the bodies of their little ones.

But our Leftist feminists care little for waging a war against evil men who would slaughter little girls sitting at their desks learning to read and preparing for a future of hope.

No, the Leftist feminists would rather wage the real war against President Bush. And admitting that the jihadis hate women would perhaps make Leftist feminist indifference to the fate of the girls attending the Huda Girls' school in Tarmiya seem rather wrong. And that might interfere with other priorities.

I mean after all, if the Leftist feminists don't defeat Bush, he might appoint a Supreme Court judge who'd rule that partial birth abortion is not a constitutional right!

Our military protects the future of little Moslem girls every day. They die to protect them.

Our Leftist feminists have their own priorities, and the girls of the Huda Girls' school in Tarmiya aren't anywhere near the top of that list.