Monday, January 22, 2007

The Clooney Brigade

George Clooney wants the US to intervene in Darfur, as do a lot of other concerned types.

Consider that the tools of private warfare are advancing and the ability to put private combat brigades into operation exists too:

A year ago, Blackwater USA, one of the major providers of security personnel in Iraq, offered to provide a brigade of peacekeepers for any operation, anywhere in the world. In particular, Blackwater said that it could provide a brigade in a place like Darfur for much less money than it would cost NATO to provide the same number of troops. Blackwater proposed providing peacekeepers, not conventional combat troops. This proposal was based on Blackwaters two years of experience in Iraq, where it provided thousands of foreign and Iraqi security personnel. Blackwater hires former military personnel, especially those who have been in Special Operations units, for its security jobs.

A generation ago, rock groups sang to raise money to alleviate the effects of war.

Might a new generation raise money to raise such brigades and send them to Darfur instead of lobbying?

And might not activists with "Save Darfur" bumper stickers get the opportunity to enlist in such a brigade? Perhaps tie-dye shirts and sandals could be the uniform of the day!

I think the answer to the first question is yes. The Spanish Civil War shows that it is possible.

The Spanish Civil War shows the latter question could be answered with a yes, too.

And of course, there will be a lot of "chicken doves" who'd rather not translate their "Save X" bumper sticker into volunteering. I look forward to the opportunity to mock when that day comes.