Thursday, December 01, 2005

Truly, They Have a Dizzying Intellect

Jeff Goldstein (via Instpaundit) notes this loyal opposition analysis of our mistakes in Iraq and Afghanistan:

Former DNC Chairman Terry Mcauliffe, appearing moments ago on FOXNews’ “The Big Story,” laid out Democratic criticism of the administration’s GWOT strategy (paraphrasing):

1) We now see that the Taliban is reorganizing in Afghanistan—all because Bush (the inaccurate argument goes) “pulled the troops too soon” and “rushed them into Iraq” before the Afghan job was completed. In short, leaving to allow a sovereign Afghanistan to try to stand on its own two feet was a disastrous mistake.

2) The US needs to pull troops out of Iraq so that the Iraqis can handle the problems themselves and become a legitimate sovereign country rather than the protectorate of an imperialist US military. In short, leaving to allow a sovereign Iraq to stand on its own two feet is a moral, political, and strategic imperative.

Jeff asks how this can be explained. The explanation is simple, really. Nuance. Lots and lots of nuance. You have to have big-brained nuance seeping from your royal pores to understand thinking like this. So much nuance that you know everything is gray, baby.

I suggest we who are humbled by this deep thinking simply thank the Gods that there are those out there on the Left who have a truly dizzying intellect (Go to scene 5). Just wait 'til they get going!