Friday, December 09, 2005

Shadows on the Perimeter

The nutballs in Venezuela think they see American plots everywhere. Hugo's allies in Venezuela's parliament spouted off:

An undetermined number of active and former army officers, joined by civilians, planned to attack military bases and assassinate government officials last week as part of a plot to "destabilize" the country and force the suspension of congressional elections, National Assembly President Nicolas Maduro said.

Like nervous sentries peering into the darkness who mistake bushes for attackers creeping up on their positions, the Venezualan Chavezistas peer north and see a Bush ready to pounce on them, constantly plotting against their beloved nutball ruler, Hugo Chavez.

Inflated in their self-importance beyond all reality, the Chavez people fail to realize that President Bush has far more serious foreign problems than some delusional nutcase down south. There are no plots to overthrow Chavez (though there probably should be).

But convinced that they are constantly averting crisis, these nutballs will eventually lash out at us in the firm conviction that they are finally striking back after enduring repeated assaults on their rule.

Then, of course, that huge group of plotters we call Southern Command will have to respond.

Like I said, we have more important things to worry about. But Chavez is screwing up his courage to strike us (or a Dutch island--to make paradise safe for blonde American women), I think, on the fully delusional belief that we are constantly out to get him.

Man, this decade sucks.