Monday, August 14, 2017

They Deserve Each Other

Let Russia pay for that socialist paradise Cuba if Putin is dumb enough to write the checks to Raul.


Cuban dictator Raul Castro has been making public and private overtures to American adversaries over the last several weeks, particularly Russia, at the same time the U.S. was investigating how U.S. officials stationed in Cuba mysteriously fell ill.

The combined events could point to a backsliding in U.S.-Cuba relations that former President Barack Obama worked to hard to put on a more productive path in the last few months of his administration.

More productive path? For Cuba's rulers, sure. Not for America, not for Cubans, and sure not for our diplomats stationed there, it seems.

I know the nuanced say that our sanctions didn't push Cuba to democracy and so the policy of isolation was a failure. Nonsense. The policy made sure our enemies paid for that despotic enemy regime rather than having American dollars prop up the regime.

America should stop supporting that despotism and let Russia pay to keep it afloat.