Monday, April 14, 2014

Stuff Happens

Am I just too cynical in thinking that Russia might have had a hand in an attack on our Pakistan line of supply to Afghanistan?

Let's see how this goes:

Pakistani officials say at least one driver has been killed in attacks on trucks carrying supplies to NATO-led forces in Afghanistan.

Could be just local nutballs. But the Russians wouldn't mind us seeing the alternative lines of supply through Russia to our forces in Afghanistan as less reliable.

UPDATE: Thanks to Stones Cry Out for the link.

There are enough Taliban nutballs in Pakistan to make this a sheer coincidence, I freely admit.

I'm just saying that it is in Russia's interest to remind us why we need the Russian supply links to Afghanistan in order to push us back from helping Ukraine enough to defy Russia.

Stuff does just happen. But it can be convenient when it does.