Sunday, April 06, 2014

So It Will Be the Bush Policy?

Remember when Democrats slammed President Bush for not pushing for a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians? Remember when they boasted that real leadership could get a deal if only we busted a gut to push for such a deal? Yeah, I do.

And now John Effing Kerry is getting to his feet after being struck with the clue bat:

A visibly downbeat Kerry, who has spent the better part of his 14-month tenure as America's top diplomat trying to cajole the parties into talks, stopped short of declaring the peace process dead. But in his most pessimistic assessment of the situation since talks began last summer with an end-of-April target for a deal, Kerry made clear his patience was near exhausted. He said it was time for a 'reality check."

Yeah, reality sucks. I'd like to say that John Kerry is not the man to provide real leadership on this issue, but until the Palestinians reconcile themselves to the idea of not aspiring to kill Jews, any peace deal we might force on the Palestinians is unlikely to be worth the paper it is printed on.

On the bright side, Kerry will have time to work on that global warming thing.