Thursday, April 17, 2014

Cashing In?

There is a deal to de-escalate the crisis over eastern Ukraine.

Apparently my initial impression that Russia was bluffing to cover their insufficient military power to pull off an opposed invasion was right.

But Russian activity sure did make me question my judgment.

Of course, a deal essentially ratifies Russia's conquest of Crimea.

UPDATE: There is no timetable and we claim the issue of Crimea is not closed:

No timeline was given for the implementation of the agreement, but Ukraine's foreign minister said it should begin "in the coming days".

He added that the West is "not giving up" on Crimea, "but we did not come (to Geneva) to talk about" the peninsula.

The agreement also called on all sides to reject extremism in all shapes.

I tend to think this outcome was Putin's intent (because his military wasn't good enough to win anything but an ugly initial victory in eastern Ukraine) rather than being a case of our brilliant diplomacy keeping Russia at bay.