Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I'm Moving to Brooklyn

Mad Minerva notes a story asking if Ryan Gosling did save that ungrateful, snooty twit lucky lass, the British reporter Lauri Penny, from being hit by a taxi.

What got my attention was this:

It's not uncommon to spot celebrities around Manhattan, but it's also not uncommon to spot people who look like celebrities who are just regular, boring people. ... You might tell friends you passed by Zooey Deschanel at the Brooklyn Flea, but it was actually one of the other 90,000 Brooklyn girls who look exactly like Zooey Deschanel.

There are 90,000 women in Brooklyn who look exactly like Zooey Deschanel?!!

Why wasn't I notified earlier?

Honestly, I didn't even read the rest of the article after I hit that part.