Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Structure of the New Soviet Union

The European Union governing apparatus is anti-democratic, even though it looks like democracy on the surface.

The only thing saving Europeans from soft despotism is that this proto-dictatorship is built on the existing structures of national democracies. That real democracy limits the impact of the Brussels-based proto-empire.

But as power at the national level erodes under constant assault from the new center as it binds citizenry in regulations that come from the center in every aspect of their lives, that block to the EU's descent into a dictatorship will be removed. And if it becomes a soft dictatorship of paternalistic socialism, will it really be a great leap to pull on the jack boots?

It should not be our policy to encourage the EU as a political organization. Clearly, we have not stayed long enough after World War II to entrench democracy.

Good grief, will we and the Russians one day fight the European Union if it becomes such a monster?