Monday, January 18, 2010

The Middle Pundit

Thomas Friedman is the most over-rated so-called strategic thinker I have ever read. To be fair, I've read worse idiocy on occasion (coughfareedzakariacough), but Friedman has a reputation built on--well, I have no idea how he got that reputation.

Anyway, Goldberg slams the giant 'stache:

Not everything in Tom Friedman's latest column is wrong or stupid, but where it isn't that, it's terribly boring. And I should be clear, it's not boring because what he says is so conventional. It's boring because he says the same thing week after week after week. In column after column it goes like this: China's awesome. America's not, but it could be if it became more like China and bossed around its citizens and businesses without paying heed to their wishes. Dick Cheney's wrong. And — always! — my feelings are the newspeg.

And a news flash to Friedman, Taiwan is a democracy and Hong Kong wants to be, and is desperately hanging on to the shreds of it while Peking pushes to extinguish the flickering flame of freedom there.

Why the man has such a big crush on the friggin' People's Republic of China is beyond me. Get a room.