Thursday, December 17, 2009

Que Sera, Sera

The Speaker is neutral on the Afghanistan campaign and feels no special duty to do her part to win the war:

President Barack Obama will have to plead his own case to House Democrats on the need to send more U.S. troops to Afghanistan, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said.

During a session-ending news conference, the California Democrat said she was done asking colleagues to act favorably on wars they don't support, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

"The president's going to have to make his case," Pelosi said.

War funding legislation likely won't be brought up until the spring, but the House will consider a test vote next month on support for the surge of 30,000 troops, Pelosi said.

That is, she's officially neutral on the war.

She'd whack our troops with the power of her purse if she thought she could, no doubt. Their future's not her's to fund. Que sera, sera.

How is it possible for the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives to be agnostic about whether our troops in the field get the funds they need to fight the war her party has long called the "good war"?