Thursday, December 15, 2005

Maybe I Just Lack the Nuance Gene

My life would be so much easier if I could understand this nuance thing that I hear the Left employs to reach deep understandings of current events.

I find it odd that the Left wants firm timetables to remove our troops from Iraq--saying this will encourage Iraqis to take responsibility for their country rather than rely on us; but vigorously opposed our timetables to turn over the government to Iraqis and to schedule elections--a timetable that actually encouraged Iraqis to take charge.

At each set date on the timetable to transfer authority to Iraqis, to complete a draft constitution, or hold elections in January or October, the Left said we were going too fast and that we should wait until the violence subsides before pressing forward.

I guess this makes sense. In the Left's conception of strategy, we would have pulled out of Iraq in defeat long before a vote was cast so the Minutemen of Iraq could return to their happy kite-flying days of easy voting decisions under Saddam.

I just pray that no Iraqi Sunnis accidentally voted for Pat Buchanan.