Saturday, October 12, 2024

Oh, Canada, Please Don't Stink On Ice

Canada has tenuous control over its Arctic despite legal ownership; and two coasts to defend. Defending America's foundation for power projection is a good focus for reviving Canadian defense capabilities.

I'm fine with this:

While Canada must uphold its [NATO] obligations, its commitment should remain primarily anchored in North American security—most notably, safeguarding the North Pacific, the Arctic, and the North Atlantic. ...

Canada should concentrate on enhancing its core capabilities—particularly in areas that directly affect North American security. This means continuing to invest in modernizing NORAD, improving Arctic surveillance and infrastructure, and ensuring that Canada can contribute meaningfully to the defense of the North Atlantic and Pacific regions. The acquisition of submarines aligns with this strategy, providing Canada with the tools needed to project power and protect its interests within its immediate sphere of influence.

At its peak, Canada contributed a good mechanized brigade to defend Europe. I can live without that with Russia pushed east. And Canada has my enduring thanks for fighting and dying at our side in Afghanistan. It was a rare NATO ally who did that even under Article V. So if Canada revives defense spending primarily to safeguard the northern Pacific and Atlantic as well as the Arctic? Great!  

I'm on record as supporting that. Russia has militarized the Arctic and in the aftermath of the Winter War of 2022, whenever that takes place and no matter what that looks like, Russia may focus north as it reconstitutes its mass army.

So yes, Canada, rearm. Don't worry about facing Russian armor and artillery in Europe. Uphold your defense obligations by holding the northern part of America's foundation for power projection. It's no longer a sanctuary.

Be the Eh-Team in the great white north.

NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.

NOTE: I'm adding updates on the Last Hamas War in this post.

NOTE: You may also read my posts on Substack, at The Dignified Rant: Evolved. Go ahead and subscribe to it.