Taiwan shouldn't learn really bad lessons from the Winter War of 2022.
This is a lesson for Taiwan from Ukraine's counter-attack/raid into Russia?
If China invades Taiwan, Beijing should recognize now that no coastal Chinese city will be safe, and every Chinese worker should understand that working in a Chinese defense factory could be his or her death warrant.
Well, that might be a lesson of Ukraine's strategic warfare against Russian military and defense targets inside Russia using larger aerial suicide drones.
But I don't think that strategy would work to deter China. China is big. And I doubt the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) cares about its meatsack cogs. Further, no Chinese worker will fear a rare Taiwanese missile more than the ever-looming CCP domestic security apparatus.
And if somehow Taiwan really hurts China--like dropping the massive Three Gorges Dam, as some have suggested--China has nukes. And the damage dropping that dam inflicts will absolutely push China to drop a small nuke on "their own territory." What will Taiwan do if China drops a nuke on a Taiwanese military base to send a heart attack-serious message?
A lesson of the Ukrainian mechanized brigade attacking into Russia should be that Taiwan needs the so-called obsolete heavy armored forces that can drive the PLA invaders into the sea, as I argued for in Military Review.
Don't worship at the altar of the false god of "porcupine" weapons. Not even if someone coins a new, exciting name for the same old magical silver bullet non-solution.
NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.
NOTE: I'm adding updates on the Last Hamas War in this post.NOTE: I'm now on Substack, with The Dignified Rant: Evolved.