Thursday, July 29, 2021

Once More Into the Moron Breach

Smart Diplomacy® lives. Behold our Iran policy!

Well, yes. Biden pulled air defense missiles out of the Middle East as a concession to Iran at our allies' expense: (tip to Instapundit):

Without much fanfare, the United States pulled a number of anti-missile systems from several Middle East countries over the past month. The decision barely caused a ripple in news, but some members of Congress certainly noticed. The Patriot anti-missile systems were pulled from locations in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait. They were all systems installed during the Trump administration, intended to act as a deterrent to Iran and defend our allies in the region. Now, Congressman Ryan Stell of Wisconsin wants to know if these actions were taken as additional concessions to Iran as a result of Biden’s secret negotiations with Tehran. It’s a good question, right?

How is that even a question?

I mentioned the Biden administration decision to withdraw air defense assets from Arab states. George Friedman speculates it is about reaching out to Iran. This makes sense from the Obama perspective. You may recall that Obama wanted to "balance" Iran and our allies on the theory that strengthening Iran compared to our friends would enable Iran to make a peace deal and become a responsible regional power. Once more into the moron breach, apparently.

I mentioned the move in regard to Saudi Arabia, but then the news was more narrow in scope:

Biden extended a hand to Iran and their Houthi allies in Yemen by stiff-arming the Saudis who wage war on them. This war helps prevent Iran from getting a foothold astride the Red Sea shipping lanes. The Houthis and their Iranian friends responded with missile strikes on Saudi Arabia. The Biden administration has double-downed on stiff-arming the Saudis. This includes removing air defenses that help protect the Saudis plus surveillance assets. With America continuing to reduce Saudi capabilities, why would the Houthis and Iranians ever respond positively to calls for talks? Biden clearly is willing to keep making concessions.

The Saudis fight our enemies in Yemen so we don't have to. But I guess that is bad. So Biden undermines the Saudis.

But don't worry, Biden has a plan to find those vital moderate mullahs who Democrats are sure exist.

The Biden administration is sure that if it keeps offering concessions to Iran's nutball mullah rulers, those often-theorized moderate mullahs will rise to the top any moment!

Have a super sparkly day.

UPDATE: And no Iranian outrage is too much for the Biden administration.