Friday, July 05, 2019

You Just Know Putin Wants His Carrier to Put to Sea Again

Will Russia try to keep their carrier Kuznetsov in service? Let's hope so!

Russia will be doing NATO and the U.S. Navy a huge favor if it decides to spend the money, repair-yard time, and human capital needed to overhaul the ski-jump-ramp carrier that is clearly an albatross of the Cold War era.

I've long been on board the hope that Russia will spend whatever is necessary to keep that ship in service:

As far as I'm concerned, the Roslyakovo accident should be regarded by Russians as a gift from God to avoid the expense of that useless red sports car.

What I hope is that Putin spares no expense in restoring the ship to its proper position of glory in the Russian fleet. Hell, build more!

At this point, what's one more Putin screw up?

Although I can't mock the Russians too much given our Ford problems. The weapons elevator, of all things?